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Potter Valley Tribe


The Potter Valley Tribe is a federally recognized tribe with aboriginal ties to the land within the Eel River
planning unit, where they received approximately 879 acres of the Watershed Lands along the Trout Creek and Alder Creek tributaries of the Eel River in 2019. The ancestors of the Tribe shared this territory with other Pomo tribes and the Huchnom and Yuki people. They recently received federal funding to begin protection of water resources in the area.

The Tribe is active with community programs and environmental education that includes workshops on native resource use, an Inter-Tribal Environmental Youth Campout, market gardening, and home canning. In addition to the PG&E Watershed Lands they now own, the Tribe owns and manages six properties on over 148 acres in Mendocino County.

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Since receiving the property, the Tribe has been actively working on restoration.

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